Lake Vico Nature Reserve

In 1982 the Lake Vico Regional Natural Reserve consisting of 3200 hectares was established. It includes various ecosystems of great interest, such as lakeland, marshland and woodland. The entire area is bound by a ring whose mountainous ridges represent the circumference of the Vicano volcano, which collapsed around 400,000 years ago, giving rise to Lake Vico. Its shores are home to many species of aquatic birds, such as mallards, garganeys and great crested grebe, the latter being the symbol of the reserve. The types of fish typically found in the lake are pike, whitefish, perch, tench and eels. Between chestnut trees, oaks, hollies, junipers, ferns and brooms there are also various species of wild orchid. There are picnic areas in the reserve and easily passable roads and trails along which you can discover a pristine environment.


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